5 Steps to Keep You on Track When You Eat Out

5 Steps to Keep You on Track When You Eat Out

How to eat out and not feel guilty… here’s 5 simple steps  Where you can keep tracking  Sometimes it can really be that easy. If the food you’re going to eat is easily trackable, do it. Make room in your calories –  If you know you’re heading out for a meal or...
What is RPE?

What is RPE?

You may have heard the terms RPE and RIR. What do they mean and how do we apply them to our training RPE is Rate of Perceived Effort – this is a scale we use to emotively describe how easy or hard an exercise was. For example during a set of back squats for 10 reps,...
No Carbs at Night?

No Carbs at Night?

This something we are asked regularly, is it ok to have carbohydrates at night? The short answer is yes. There can be many benefits from eating carbohydrates in the evening. A lot of us train after work and deplete our muscles of glycogen so a good carb meal here...
Your Guide to Using a Treadmill

Your Guide to Using a Treadmill

The treadmill is more often than not a starting place for most who are new to the gym and it’s understandable why. We all know how to walk or jog so it’s logical to start with something we know how to do before venturing further. Most treadmills have the capacity to...
The Importance of Sleep

The Importance of Sleep

We all enjoy a good night’s sleep, and its one of the key elements we need too not only conquer our day but also our workouts. But with the fast paced & electronic world we live in, over 30% of us are not getting the recommended 7hrs or more. So what does this...
How To Get The Most From Your Training

How To Get The Most From Your Training

No Destination We need to know where it is we are going, we don’t jump in the car and drive aimlessly? We plug in a destination and follow a set path. The same goes for our training, we need to know where it is we are trying to get too and from there we can set...