Bench Row

Bench Row

The Setup Lying face down on the bench Hips tucked under Grabbing the bar with your hands, pull the bar off of the J-Hooks by pulling your scapular together Coaching Points Think of pulling with speed Quality Criteria Shoulder blades must stay retracted throughout the...


The Setup   Set the bar to a height somewhere between you chest and collar bone Find your grip, generally narrower than your bench press (depending on mobility) Step under the bar, wedging the bar between your hands and back (bar resting on traps, not neck) With...
Strict Press

Strict Press

The Setup Front rack position. Bottom of the bar in contact with the shoulders Shoulders shrugged into the bar Legs squeezed straight Hips fully extended glutes squeezed tight Elbows positioned under barbell to generate upward force. Coaching Points Tucking the chin...
Single Arm Row

Single Arm Row

Quality Criteria Ears, shoulders hips in alignment No rounding of the upper back No arching of the lower back No shrug of the shoulders, shoulder blades stay down and back


The Setup Ankles together Hands just wider than shoulders Legs squeezed tight/straight Ribs locked down Shoulder blades pushed apart Hands screwing into the ground Hands should be in a position that ensures forearms are 90 degree to the ground   Coaching Points...


The Setup Grip on the bar with both fingers and thumbs over the bar Hands slightly wider than shoulders Hollow body position on the bar Coaching Points Speed from the bottom if each rep Quality Criteria No Shrug of the shoulders (shoulders stay down away from ears) No...