Quality V’s Quantity

June 1, 2020

People often think more equals better. Is doing 20 push-ups better than doing only 10? Is training 2 hours a day doing multiple classes going to get better results, or can you get more benefit from training with more intensity for only 30 minutes? It is not uncommon we focus on the ideal that more volume or feeling ‘exhausted’ after a workout is better, and they are right, to a certain degree.

To understand this better, let us look at the idea of quality v’s quantity. We can define quantity as, ‘the amount of something’, in training we would relate this to things such as, time spent training, amount of reps performed or weight we lift. Quality on the other hand, can be defined as ‘characteristics and features where we can measure a standard’. 

So why is this important? 

Through quality we maximise the benefits we get from a movement. Why is doing one full push-up better than say one performed on our knees or not in its full range of motion? Well, as an example, the body must stabilise through the midsection in a full push-up as opposed to push-ups on your knees, where this is no longer needed. Another quality benefit is paying attention to how your shoulders stabilises in the press out of your push-up. This will keep your shoulders healthy as opposed to doing high volume reps without proper stabilisation hence decreasing the risk of injury. 

By performing ‘quality’ reps we not only optimise muscle recruitment and development but get our bodies moving in the healthiest way possible. 

The greater quantity of quality reps we can perform the better off we will be. Ask yourself, do you focus on quantity but miss out on the quality of your movement?

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