
Skill Improvement – Pull-ups

August 10, 2022

A series of 5min sessions you complete at the start of your session to develop the ability to do something.

Test: Complete a max weighted strict chest to bar pull-up. Use band assistance if required. Do this so you can measure your progress as you work through these session

SIP 1: Accumulate two minutes static hanging lat activation hollow hold. Aim for maximum height. Five minute cap.

SIP 2: Jump the chest to the bar (overhand) and complete a slow five second lower to hang. Accumulate 20 repetitions, use bands if you can not maintain 5 second lowers. Five minute cap.

SIP 3: Three sets of three reps of the following (each set unbroken):
Passive hang into 5 second static lat activation hollow hold
strict pull-up (chest to bar)
5 second hold at top
5 second lower. Use band tension assistance as needed.

SIP 4: Jump the chest to the bar (overhand) and lower quarter of the way down, hold three seconds. Lower half way down, hold three seconds. Lower three quarters of the way down, hold three seconds. Lower to hang. Use band tension assistance as needed
Complete four times in five minutes.

SIP 5: Accumulate 15 difficult strict chest to bar pull-ups. Ideally, use a partner to assist. Use a band if no partner available.
Five minute cap


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