The Perfect Training Session

July 15, 2024

And the answer is….. there is no perfect session. However, there is a structure we use to ensure you keep training on track and progressing in the right direction. πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

1. Pre-Exercise Routine

Air bike for 5min 🚴

  • This warms your body temperature and dials up your cardiorespiratory system.

Dynamic movement 🀸

  • Enhances performance.

Mobilise/Stabilise πŸ’ͺ

  • Improves positions and thus movement efficiency.

2. Skills 🧠

  • Learning new things is another way to progress your training.

3. Train an Element

  • Whatever you need to work on, make sure your session is appropriate to what you need to be working on.

4. Post-Exercise Routine

Keep moving 🚢

  • Helps reduce DOMS and improves recovery.

Address movement deficiencies πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

  • Improves positions and movement efficiency.

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