Skill Improvement – Handstand Walk

August 23, 2022

A series of 5min sessions you complete at the start of your session to develop the ability to do something.

  • Session 1: TEST: Take five minutes to establish a max unbroken handstand walk.
  • Session 2: With feet on a box, hands on the ground and shoulders stacked vertically above hands, shift your weight from one hand to the other. If this is easy, replace with hand lifts, shoulder taps or hip taps. Complete five rounds of 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest.
  • Session 3: In five minutes, complete six slow wall walks. End as close to the wall as possible and walk back down the wall until the chest contacts the floor.
  • Session 4: Every 30 seconds for five minutes: Kick up to a wall (back to wall odd rounds, front to wall even rounds) and shift your weight from one hand to the other 6 times. If this is easy, replace with hand lifts, shoulder taps or hip taps.
  • Session 5: Working with a partner, spend five minutes practicing spotted handstand walks. The partner should spot with one hand and only spot in the direction you’re moving (shin side of the legs) not calf side of the legs.
  • Session 6: Kick up two steps from a wall and handstand walk until your heels contact the wall. Spend five minutes increasing the starting distance from the wall.
  • Session 7: Every minute for five minutes: Kick up to a wall (front to wall), slowly pull the feet away from the wall and walk 1-3m, forward rolling out.
  • Session 8: In five minutes, progress as far through an unbroken handstand walk ladder as possible. That is, 1m, 2m, 3m etc. If you cannot get past three, complete as many sets of 2m as possible. Finish each lap against a wall.

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