Rep Improvement – Push-up

August 24, 2022

A series of 5min sessions you complete at the start of your session to develop the ability to do something.

  • Session 1: TEST: Max unbroken push-ups (two minute cap).
  • Session 2: Max push-ups in five minutes. If you expect more than 100, use a deficit that shouldn’t allow more than 100 reps. If you expect less than 60, use a band.
  • Session 3: Max unbroken push-ups (60s cap). Rest 60s. Three rounds. If required, use a band that will give you 20 per minute. If you expect more than 40, use a weight vest and small deficit.
  • Session 4: Five push-ups every 15 seconds for five minutes. Use a band/weight vest/deficit if required to make challenging.
  • Session 5: Every minute for five rounds complete 20 push-ups. Use a band/weight vest/deficit to make challenging.
  • Session 6: In five minutes, progress as far through an unbroken push-up ladder as possible. That is, one push-up, two unbroken, three unbroken etc. If you don’t think you will get past eight, use band assistance. Use a weight vest/deficit if desired.


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