Skill Improvement – Kipping Ring Muscle Up

August 23, 2022

A series of 5min sessions you complete at the start of your session to develop the ability to do something.

  • Session 1: TEST: Max weight strict muscle-up. If you need assistance, use it (preferably by using the ‘Ring Thing’ and adding weight if necessary).
  • Session 2: Three sets of three reps of the following (each set unbroken): 5 second false grip hang with turn-out in hollow, strict pull-up (chest to rings), 5 second hold at top, 5 second lower.
  • Session 3: Three sets of three reps of the following (each set unbroken): 5 second dip support hold with turn-out in hollow, 5 second lower, 5 second dip support hold at bottom in hollow, strict ring dip.
  • Session 4: In five minutes, accumulate 15 strict muscle-ups using the ‘Ring Thing’. If you don’t have a ‘Ring Thing’ complete kneeling muscle-up transitions.
  • Session 5: Complete five sets of: Two strict chest to ring pull-ups in false grip, three tight kips (still in false grip). Rest as required between sets. Five minute cap.
  • Session 6: In a false grip, complete 5×3 waist to ring kipping pull-ups. Focus on an aggressive hip extension towards the rings while remaining hollow. Five minute cap.
  • Session 7: Accumulate 20 muscle-up transitions with heels on ground. Begin in a false grip and lower back into the false grip every rep. Focus on an aggressive hip extension towards the rings. End locked out in a strong hollow. Five minute cap.
  • Session 8: In five minutes, accumulate 15 strict muscle-ups using the ‘Ring Thing’. If you don’t have a ‘Ring Thing’ complete kneeling muscle-up transitions.
  • Session 9: Accumulate eight muscle-ups with false grip and a strong kip. Use a partner to push on your mid back to assist with the transition. Five minute cap.

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