A series of 5min sessions you complete at the start of your session to develop the ability to do something.
SIP 1: TEST: Max reps unbroken toes to bar (with no kip between each rep). If you cannot complete a single rep, record max height toes can reach.
SIP 2: Five rounds of: 15 second static hanging lat activation hollow hold, 15 second rest, 15 second hanging static arch hold, 15 second rest.
SIP 3: 5 rounds: 6 kipping reps, every second kip raise your knees for max height
SIP 4:: Spend 5min accumulating as many reps as possible using assistance as needed to complete a strict toes to the bar with a 5 second eccentric lower
SIP 5: In five minutes, as many reps as possible of max height knees to elbows with straight arms. No dead hangs
SIP 6: In five minutes, as many reps as possible of max height knees to elbows with as straight arms as possible, finishing with legs kicking out towards the bar at the top. No dead hangs.
SIP 7: Five rounds of: 10 second static L-hang (ensure lat activation, scale to tuck hang), 30 second pin loaded straight arm lat pull down (straight arm), 10 second rest.
SIP 8: In 5min accumulate as many kipping toes to bar as possible using a partner for assistance if needed. No dead hangs