Skill Improvement – Push-up

August 10, 2022

A series of 5min sessions you complete at the start of your session to develop the ability to do something.

Test:Find a max weighted push-up. If you cannot complete to depth, find the smallest band with which you can complete one rep.if you can’t use bands to assist or find an angle where you can do a pushup as close to the ground. eg table, chair or books. this will form your

SIP 1: With a 5cm deficit, complete a slow five second lower to the ground. If you lose control at the bottom, complete using the smallest band possible without losing control. Accumulate 20 repetitions. Five minute cap.

SIP 2: With a 5cm deficit, complete a slow five second lower to the ground. If you lose control at the bottom, complete using the smallest band possible without losing control. Complete 5 rounds of max unbroken reps. When you fail or loose form rest 1min.

SIP 3: Lower quarter of the way down, hold three seconds. Lower half way down, hold three seconds. Lower three quarters of the way down, hold three seconds. Lower to the floor. Complete four times in five minutes.

SIP 4: Accumulate 10 push-ups. If necessary, use band assistance that will allow the completion of all reps within five minutes. Add weight if required.

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