Skill Improvement – Kipping

August 11, 2022

A series of 5min sessions you complete at the start of your session to develop the ability to do something.

SIP 1: perform 5 rounds of 20 hollow hold rocks 20 Arch Position rocks on the ground your body should remain rigid and move like a dish.

SIP 2: Accumulate 2min of static hold in the shortest time possible on the bar for both hollow hold arch position hold

SIP 3: Perform 1 kip then pause in hollow position for 3 seconds. Perform 1 kip then pause in the arch position for 3 seconds. Reset each time

SIP 4: Complete x number of kips every 30 sec for 5 min. where x is a number you can maintain without any missed reps.

SIP 5 Jump to the bar in a hollow position (hips behind bar) kip to arch position then back to hollow, using the momentum you generate from arch to hollow pull your chest to the bar. Keeping your legs forward as long as you can push the bar away as you come down. Rest and repeat for 10 reps.


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