Skill Improvement – Bar Muscle Up

August 17, 2022

A series of 5min sessions you complete at the start of your session to develop the ability to do something.

  • Session 1: TEST: Max reps unbroken bar muscle-ups. If you cannot complete a single rep, find the smallest band with which you can complete one rep.
  • Session 2: Five rounds of: 10 second static hanging lat activation hollow hold, 20 second banded pull-downs, 10 second hanging static arch hold, 20 second banded pull-downs.
  • Session 3: Complete five sets of six gymnastic kips with straight arms. Every odd repetition should be for max height without arm bend (lat activation). Use a partner to pull back on the rib cage for each max height attempt. Five minute cap.
  • Session 4: Take five minutes to build to five reps at the lowest possible box to complete a jumping bar muscle-up (with simultaneous elbows on the transition).
  • Session 5: Take five minutes to build to five reps at the smallest possible band to complete a bar muscle-up (with simultaneous elbows on the transition).
  • Session 6: Accumulate eight bar muscle-ups. Use a partner to lift your rib cage to assist with the transition. Use an additional band only if absolutely necessary. Five minute cap.

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